Silicon Austria Labs, Austria

Silicon Austria Labs is a research institute founded by the Austrian government. The power electronics division of SAL conducts research on EV charging hardware design and optimization with several major industrial partners within Austria. The division builds know-how that is needed for the development and deployment of low-cost EV charging.
Key persons
Key research facilities, infrastructure and equipment
Power electronics laboratory: The PE lab within SAL is equipped with all the necessary equipment needed for the relevant PhD topics, such as high voltage high power supplies, oscilloscope, power analyser, etc.
General facilities: SAL is equipped with all the necessary experimental facilities for DC 9. Additionally, the power electronics team within SAL has been focusing on magnetic design for power converters since it is founded, with continuous know-how accumulation on its modelling and analysis and automated design, which serves as a solid basis for DC9.
Status of research premises
The offices and laboratory are currently rented from the Technical University of Graz, but all the test equipment and office supplies are owned by SAL itself. The facilities are fully independent from other beneficiaries and associated partners in the consortium.
Previous involvement
None. SAL is established in 2019.
Current involvement
HiEfficient (10100728): Highly efficient and reliable electric drivetrain based on modular, intelligent and highly integrated wide band gap power electronics modules.
Power2Power (826417): Innovative packaging techniques for power semiconductors to improve interconnection current capability and thermal performance.
Other relevant efforts
Innovation product: A state-of-the-art on-board charger for EV has been developed within the power electronics division together with multiple major industrial partners in Austria.
Software: tool for automated hardware/magnetics design for cost/efficiency/volume multi- objective optimization.